It all started with two sisters, who one day, had the crazy idea of embarking on an incredible adventure...
The idea of making out of their lives something that they loved more than anything else in the world.
The desire to want and be able to bring something more into the lives of these little ones,
and the pleasures they can feel as when they are at home with their family.
This nursery is not just the place where mom and dad drop their child because they have to work.
It is the beginning of a whole process of education, supervision,
but also the place of their first steps in society.
It was in 2008 that the "Les Titis Bout’Choux" was created.
The 2 keys to our proven success are:
Melissa & Laetitia
A variety of activities are put together to make sure your little ones get the stimulation they need. We never forget that, having fun is part of learning!
Discover our wonderful team