Familiarization period

It’s a time where meeting new friends promotes future relationships between the baby, the parents and the team...

The challenge is to succeed in weaving this multiplicity of links while ensuring that we recognize
those that already exist.

"My first steps at Les Titis Bout’Choux"

Today is a big day for me! The weather is very nice this morning and I’m going to the nursery for the first time. It’s now been several days since Mum’s been bustling here and there. She prepared my clothes, my bottles, my diapers and even put my blanket and my pacifier in a bag. I felt her both nervous and excited. She never got tired of giving me loads of kisses, hugs and telling me how much she loved me! She almost scared me. What was happening? I had the impression that she was going to leave me and go away forever... But as she perceived my fears, my questions, she approached me and her melodious voice whispered tenderly in my ear: " I will always be there to come and get you my love”. I smiled and suddenly felt reassured.
The big day has finally arrived!!! Mom got me all dresses up and I'm so beautiful! We are on our way to the nursery!
When we got there, a nice lady gave us a big smile and so did my mom.
The lady's name is Laetitia, she is the principal of the nursery. She leads us to the baby’s section and makes us comfortable there.
Oh yeah... I haven't told you yet, today I'm 8 months old!
In this section, I see another lady. That’s Sandra. She looks at me tenderly and rushes very happy to take care of mom and me...
For an hour, they talk to each other. They talk, look at me, smile, sometimes they burst out laughing. I wonder: "But why are they laughing so much? "I imagine that mom is telling them how I behave at home, how I sleep, how I eat… As they continue to chat, I decide to look around me. I can already see some toys! Games in large numbers; Big! Small! Some I know and others I ‘ve never seen before. Nearby, I discover new faces, children like me; I wonder then, who will be the ones who will play with me? Afterwards, mom and I go home. I’m so tired from my first day that I fall asleep all afternoon.
The next morning, with mom, we go back to the nursery; but this time she doesn't stay with me anymore. She leaves, but first gives me a big kiss and leaves me in Sandra's arms. Right away, I discover new friends and explore everything I have around me. After a few moments mom is already back!!! We go home very happy.
On the third day, after she just dropped me off at nursery, I cry because she’s gone and I already miss her. Fortunately, "the ladies" cover me with loads of hugs and I feel reassured. Later, I’m given a delicious meal before Mom arrives. It's delicious and I'm happy to eat it!!! When mom comes back, while I was telling her about my morning, tired, I immediately fell asleep in her arms.
On the fourth day at the nursery, I feel more comfortable than the days before. I already understand that mom will always come back for me and that I can have fun with my friends without fear. However, after my meal, mom is not there! They lay me in a nice bed that I do not know and I get scared. I start to cry when suddenly the lady reassures me and rocks me to sleep. She gives me my blanket and my pacifier. Then the nice lady stays with me. She tells me a lovely story and I fall asleep. When I wake up, mom is there. While a lady tells her about my day, she watches me proudly.
On the last day of the week, it's daddy who accompanies me to the nursery. I’m with him, as with mom, delighted. I introduce him to all my new friends. Happy, he hugs me tightly, Hop! he lifts me up, plays with me! I'm so happy! A new adventure begins for me; the start of an adventure in the wonderful world of the nursery "Les Titis Bout’Choux"

Soria Lopez Laetitia